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Worst ever Swans performance

There have been much worse performances than Monday night without a doubt

The thing at the moment is we are a rudderless ship (at all levels) populated by a team of players who, with the possible exception of one or two, don't actually give two hoots about how bad they really are
3swan said:
First game in 1961, so have seen many poor games, the memory will play tricks and maybe a bit of rose tinted glasses, but last night, on top of others, is maybe the worst run of self inflicted results I've seen.

I have to agree , theres been a few stinkers over the years, but deffo this last run is the worst that I can remember, and is really starting to suck the life out of everything that is, and associated with Swansea Cty.
J_B said:
Blackpool away under Kevin Cullis when the players revolted at half time, Christian Edwards gave the team talk and Cullis resigned after the game.

I thought it was Penney who threw Cullis out and gave the talk.
One of my worst ever Swans away games was losing 6-0 at Chelsea standing on an uncovered Stamford Bridge terrace in pouring rain from start to finish. Think it was in early 90s and Kerry Dixon scored a hattrick if that gives any clue to when it was. My feet were squelching inside my shoes as I trudged back to my car and I'm pretty sure my underwear was saturated too. I was also at Fratton Park when we got dicked 5-0 around the same time, Mark Hateley and Alan Biley scored all the goals but at least it wasn't raining.

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