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The months of preparation came down to the last 48 hours of action

Did we really expect anything else from the bunch of charlatans?
Our 'recruitment process' is quite frankly, laughable.

We've added pace which we badly needed. One is a Brazilian who looks handy, the other is a loan from Arsenal who looks like he's out of contract in the summer and the other is a short term deal that we can extend if possible. That aspect is quite good. At least now LW can play the way he apparently wants to and there should be less square pegs in round holes.

We are obviously trying to right the wrongs of the Summer which is something. Let's hope Pederson does okay at Sheffield Wednesday and he can get a permanent move in the summer.


Every single other problem still exists. We have a hell of a lot of work to do in the summer.

The people who are righting the wrongs of the summer are the ones who got it wrong in the first place. We can only hope that Duff being manager has somehow skewed things in terms of recruitment (basically Watson delivering exactly what Duff had asked for) and with the right manager asking for the right sort of player, this data driven approach they claim to use can work.

We've added pace which we badly needed. One is a Brazilian who looks handy, the other is a loan from Arsenal who looks like he's out of contract in the summer and the other is a short term deal that we can extend if possible. That aspect is quite good. At least now LW can play the way he apparently wants to and there should be less square pegs in round holes.

We are obviously trying to right the wrongs of the Summer which is something. Let's hope Pederson does okay at Sheffield Wednesday and he can get a permanent move in the summer.


Every single other problem still exists. We have a hell of a lot of work to do in the summer.

The people who are righting the wrongs of the summer are the ones who got it wrong in the first place. We can only hope that Duff being manager has somehow skewed things in terms of recruitment (basically Watson delivering exactly what Duff had asked for) and with the right manager asking for the right sort of player, this data driven approach they claim to use can work.
Your last paragraph is a highly optimistic wish. I’m not criticising you, I just hope it’s the reality.
What is the contract situation with this guy from Norwich?

Apart from the ability to get a good score on the Scrabble board, I have mixed views - loan or permanent transfer?
Your last paragraph is a highly optimistic wish. I’m not criticising you, I just hope it’s the reality.
I mean unless Duff said to Watson "I want a full back who won't be able to get a game, a striker who goes missing all game but gets the odd tap in, an orange full back - don't worry if he can play football or not and a slow defender who wants £20k a week", then yes.. it's highly optimistic!
I mean unless Duff said to Watson "I want a full back who won't be able to get a game, a striker who goes missing all game but gets the odd tap in, an orange full back - don't worry if he can play football or not and a slow defender who wants £20k a week", then yes.. it's highly optimistic!
It’s a bloody shambles.

I’m always one to give someone the benefit of the doubt, especially when I saw decent transfer fees being paid. However, even I am converted to the fact that we’ve lost the plot.
What is the contract situation with this guy from Norwich?

Apart from the ability to get a good score on the Scrabble board, I have mixed views - loan or permanent transfer?
As I understand it we have taken over his Norwich contract so he is our player until the end of the season.
It’s a bloody shambles.

I’m always one to give someone the benefit of the doubt, especially when I saw decent transfer fees being paid. However, even I am converted to the fact that we’ve lost the plot.
The biggies for me are the fact that the players who haven't been able to get a run of games for us must be absolutely abysmal. You would almost forgive it if we were doing really well... but when we have crap players getting regular games for us, how poor are the ones that aren't?

Yates - never looked like fitting any system other than I would say he probably would have been quite effective playing alongside a more physical striker.

Pederson - if the rumours of his wages are true then.... wow.

We've added pace which we badly needed. One is a Brazilian who looks handy, the other is a loan from Arsenal who looks like he's out of contract in the summer and the other is a short term deal that we can extend if possible. That aspect is quite good. At least now LW can play the way he apparently wants to and there should be less square pegs in round holes.

We are obviously trying to right the wrongs of the Summer which is something. Let's hope Pederson does okay at Sheffield Wednesday and he can get a permanent move in the summer.


Every single other problem still exists. We have a hell of a lot of work to do in the summer.

The people who are righting the wrongs of the summer are the ones who got it wrong in the first place. We can only hope that Duff being manager has somehow skewed things in terms of recruitment (basically Watson delivering exactly what Duff had asked for) and with the right manager asking for the right sort of player, this data driven approach they claim to use can work.
No offence but could you see Watson giving Duff exactly what he wanted? If Cooper who given us a very competitive team couldn’t get who he wanted and Martin complaining likewise I can’t see Duff getting carte Blanche.
I think it’s more like someone who hasn’t a Scooby in recruitment terms trying to play football manager for real.
I'm keeping an open mind. Lot's of people thought we had a great summer window based solely on how many deals we did and look how that turned out.
No offence but could you see Watson giving Duff exactly what he wanted? If Cooper who given us a very competitive team couldn’t get who he wanted and Martin complaining likewise I can’t see Duff getting carte Blanche.
I think it’s more like someone who hasn’t a Scooby in recruitment terms trying to play football manager for real.
Duff said more than once he had no input into player acquisition, so that theory is a non starter. Watson or whoever, recruited the players they wanted, based on sonme kind of moneyball approach that they are too stupid to operate. Not sure where Pedersen fitted in to that exactly, but that's what their 'data driven' crap is all about. Peter Taylor (the power behind Brian Clough) was one of the best talent spotters ever and guess what he did...he watched games and players. Hundreds of them and then would excitedly go to Clough and say 'I've found one'. Data....Yank Wank.
I'm sorry to have been proven right with my last reply...absolutely shocking. 3 wingers...3 bloody wingers. Two of them have absolutely no evidence that they are any good as they have played as many relevant games at a credible level as I have. Placheta being the odd one out. However, we have bought him until the end of the season (someone explain the plan in that).
Watson and Coleman are liars and no clue as to what they are trying to do. This window proves it again.
This club, what was once our club, is being mismanaged to such a level I can see League Two looming within a few seasons if the current Hierarchy remains. No manager worth his salt will come here. Luke Williams staying long now he knows how we truly operate is open to question.
Our club is deep in the mire of another era that will resonate loudly and extremely worryingly for those of us who remember the Petty era.
Please get out of our club.

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