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Swansea City v Cardiff City | An Alternative View

Channeling the thoughts above, but Luke is such an enormously likable bloke. Knows completely and utterly what it means to be here, values the Swansea Way as highly as results, and is entirely down to earth.

I would absolutely adore for him to take us to the next level
This is mainly an observation, so I don't want anyone getting their knickers in a twist - I'm not having a go at the club - but it seems The Swansea Way has been intentionally redefined from a footballing philosophy to....connecting with supporters?

I don't hold too much to labels anyway, but it just seems a little odd. Coleman kept banging on about the Swansea Way being about people the other day, and now Luke's saying the same going by the pre/post-match clips from Saturday. It's obviously something Coleman wants put out there. I seem to recall some Trust update about how the club was busy defining The Swansea Way a couple of months back, and it seemed odd; I guess this was what came out of it.

I guess it's easier to have the Swansea Way be a platitude than a football philosophy the fans hold you to - and you are constrained by in player/manager/staff recruitment, so I get it in many ways. The Swansea Way as previously understood was a product of a particular set of circumstances anyway, so makes sense that clubs evolve and adapt.

Aaaannyway. End of observation

You Jack Bastards!
You Jack Bastards!

Edit: And before anyone chimes in to put words into my mouth, I'm not criticizing Luke's style of play, which is more old school Swansea Way than many of his predecessors (Inc Martin).
This is mainly an observation, so I don't want anyone getting their knickers in a twist - I'm not having a go at the club - but it seems The Swansea Way has been intentionally redefined from a footballing philosophy to....connecting with supporters?

I don't hold too much to labels anyway, but it just seems a little odd. Coleman kept banging on about the Swansea Way being about people the other day, and now Luke's saying the same going by the pre/post-match clips from Saturday. It's obviously something Coleman wants put out there. I seem to recall some Trust update about how the club was busy defining The Swansea Way a couple of months back, and it seemed odd; I guess this was what came out of it.

I guess it's easier to have the Swansea Way be a platitude than a football philosophy the fans hold you to - and you are constrained by in player/manager/staff recruitment, so I get it in many ways. The Swansea Way as previously understood was a product of a particular set of circumstances anyway, so makes sense that clubs evolve and adapt.

Aaaannyway. End of observation

You Jack Bastards!
You Jack Bastards!

Edit: And before anyone chimes in to put words into my mouth, I'm not criticizing Luke's style of play, which is more old school Swansea Way than many of his predecessors (Inc Martin).

Yes I understand what you mean.

The Swansea Way was more about how things were being done, as well as the style of play. This has been lost over the last years and hopefully it is returning.

There has been more an emphasis in communications on supporter buy in. Let's hope that the message within the club is understood and not just a P.R. exercise.

It was powerful at one time and can be again.
Completely agree with you.

The Swansea Way is more of a philosophy or culture within the club and how we go about our business both on and off the pitch.

"We do things the Swansea Way" rather then the translation which seems to have been lost on it being completely how we play football.

I'm not sure if it's still the euphoria of putting our cousins back in their box, I really feel like we're getting our identity back.

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