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Not sure of a title for this.


Tommy Hutchison
Jul 13, 2020
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I knew at least 7 guys that couldn’t cope and took their own lives. They weren’t particularly close friends, more acquaintances, but this video is so much like real life.
If you suspect someone is struggling give them some of your time and check they’re ok.
So, so powerful.

It’s ok not to be ok. Reach out if you’re struggling, it shouldn’t be seen as a weakness.

My nephew killed himself at the age of 15. The fact that at that age when he should have been full of optimism and felt that suicide was his only option still breaks my heart and the guilt that no one was able to help him will never go away.
exiledclaseboy said:
My nephew killed himself at the age of 15. The fact that at that age when he should have been full of optimism and felt that suicide was his only option still breaks my heart and the guilt that no one was able to help him will never go away.

Heartbreaking. Truly heartbreaking.
exiledclaseboy said:
My nephew killed himself at the age of 15. The fact that at that age when he should have been full of optimism and felt that suicide was his only option still breaks my heart and the guilt that no one was able to help him will never go away.

exiledclaseboy said:
My nephew killed himself at the age of 15. The fact that at that age when he should have been full of optimism and felt that suicide was his only option still breaks my heart and the guilt that no one was able to help him will never go away.

My thoughts and best wishes to you and all family.
exiledclaseboy said:
My nephew killed himself at the age of 15. The fact that at that age when he should have been full of optimism and felt that suicide was his only option still breaks my heart and the guilt that no one was able to help him will never go away.

Cooperman said:
So, so powerful.

It’s ok not to be ok. Reach out if you’re struggling, it shouldn’t be seen as a weakness.


Spot on
Did you know that 2 construction workers take their own lives every single day in the UK. If those deaths were due to safety issues on site, all construction sites would be closed down until it was sorted. Absolutely wrecks me that because they are suicides, ‘nothing’ is done by the powers that be.

The subject is close to my heart, and the lack of proper care for mental health in this country has to be one of the most shameful things ever. It’s okay coming out with slogans and hashtags, but actual care is what is needed. Making me fucking fuming just typing this, as it just brings back memories of me begging for help for those in desperate need.
That is a great video as it shows how people mask what’s really going on in their minds.

Initial viewing is that the guy who is somber and not celebrating is the one suffering seems obvious but then it really hits you when it all unfolds at the end.

Please don’t suffer in silence tell someone what is going on. If it’s on this site you know it’s all anonymous. There are people trained in mental health that post on this site.
I called the crisis team one time and they were totally uninterested. So I tried the Samaritans next and it rung through to answer phone 😂 The absurdity of it brought me back

Otherwise the NHS have been excellent in fairness
Christmas Eve 2014. His mates were meeting at the village pub. But he wasn't feeling up to it. Telling his mum he was popping out for a while he drove a few miles to a lake. It had been his and his (by then ex-)girlfriend's special place. Connecting a length of piping to his exhaust, he shut himself inside his car and started the engine.

He was 21. My only child.

And that could have been the family Christmas to end family Christmasses. but we caught a break. I don't know who it was, male/female, old/young but one of the police/paramedics said something about a passing motorist stopping for a pee and raising the alarm.
My boy would live on.

And live on he does. I count my blessings every day. But nine years on the vulnerability that led him to that place is still in him, his confidence hanging by a thread, any setback seeming to floor him.

He'll go weeks without making contact. Without intending to make this about me it's a total mindf*ck. Is he punishing his parents for divorcing? For the mistakes we've made? Has he just broken up with his latest squeeze? Perhaps he's on a stag weekend in Prague? Or all of the above?

A few years back a mate lost his son to suicide (following numerous failed attempts). At the funeral my mate and his daughters, broken though they were, all seemed somewhat resigned to the inevitability of his demise. It seemed bizarre but in amongst their raw pain was the smallest tinge of relief that their interminable angst had been replaced; uncertainty displaced by certainty.

And that's my problem with campaigns such as this. They're oversimplifying. Because mental illness is really f*cking exhausting. Both for the sufferers and their nearest and dearest. And it seems never-ending.

My best mate suffered depression throughout his adult life. I bloody loved this man. I miss him every day. I still "talk" to him most days. He had no problem sharing details of his problems, the treatments (medicinal and therapy-based) he'd explored. Though nothing seemed to help. He'd talk about walking to the bus stop and wrestling with whether to step in front of a passing lorry, to end his pain. As much as I made myself available to listen to him it made no discernible difference. He claimed he'd read every self help book in Waterstones, tried every drug prescribed. I loved him, but it got very wearing being there for him, feeling utterly impotent; unresolved conversations on repeat.

It's a nice ad. A conversation starter. I hope it helps someone.

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