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Luke Williams on Leeds United | Reaction

Sorry to say it but distinct echoes of Russell Martin’s Bullshit Bingo in that clip. Hopefully this was a short extract from a longer interview in which he accepted full responsibility for failing to
- get his game plan right or
- ensure his players knew what their jobs were tonight or
- motivate them to give 100% or
- communicate his dissatisfaction to his captain when he saw that things were not going to plan
Or all of the above.
We’ve had one manager in recent seasons who never accepted responsibility when his teams failed. Let’s hope Williams has more class
Sorry to say it but distinct echoes of Russell Martin’s Bullshit Bingo in that clip. Hopefully this was a short extract from a longer interview in which he accepted full responsibility for failing to
- get his game plan right or
- ensure his players knew what their jobs were tonight or
- motivate them to give 100% or
- communicate his dissatisfaction to his captain when he saw that things were not going to plan
Or all of the above.
We’ve had one manager in recent seasons who never accepted responsibility when his teams failed. Let’s hope Williams has more class

And there it is.

Was wondering how long it would take you to taint him by association.

8 football matches, that's how long it took.

Funny how you didn’t respond when I posted that
- he seems smart and decent
- I have found much of the football we played under him to be enjoyable (as I did with Duff’s and Sheehan’s - but last night’s capitulation was appalling)
- I hope he’s the manager we’ve been wishing for since Potter left

So I’ll just pop those back into the record in anticipation of the next time you accuse me of making my mind up about Williams solely because he once worked with your poster boy.
Not sure you can teach intensity and pace.. RM was about little triangles. Duff wanted more physicality and intensity, Sheehan talked about playing on the front foot now LW wants more intensity. Maybe someone should share an internal memo and suggest we don't have the quality and type of players for this league especially has the quality has improved in the Championship. The spine of the side is weak. In fact is the root of our issues.

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