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Search results

  1. J

    Martin Mis-management

    . From the very outset alarm bells were ringing loudly. - Russell Martin unceremoniously dumped Joel Piroe from the matchday squad for the inaugural game. At the same time he also stripped Piroe of the #9 jersey and gave it instead to Obafemi. The abandoned Piroe was photographed on Swansea...
  2. J

    Away attendance - guess what......

    Yep, Down. Now, down to 16th and plummeting under Martin's watch. Now below Martin's median, 15th. Below expectations, in so many ways Martin. https://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/219227-average-away-followings-so-far-this-season/ Yeah, I know, another Martin Out theme - but that's the...
  3. J

    Grimesy Unleashed

    Our talisman, our leader, our uber clever architect with a proper gift: https://twitter.com/PFF_FC/status/1612092258341343233 Imagine MartinWang without Grimesy - we'd be in L1 already, and Martin would be serving up pasties in Brighton
  4. J

    Forum Sycophants, top 3

    NB - this is an objective observation across ALL current Swans forums. I'll go first: #1 onehunglow #2 Whiterockin #3 builthjack
  5. J

    Cup Matches ....wtg

    It's like watching The World Cup all over again. Top, top entertainment. Jeopardy is everything. Teams are going for it, going for the win, driving, busting a gut big time. The crowds are just as up for it. Oxford playing like Morocco, going toe to toe with The Arsenul. And Karen Carney...
  6. J

    Raducanu, a busted flush

    One hit wonder. And one wonders why some can't see that. There's a pattern of ignorance emerging nowadays. Too many twps taken in by SM fanmania (I was particularly careful with my spelling b'there) Grow up, is it.
  7. J

    Club Sponsors

    At risk. The peripheral hangers on, with little skin in the game. As part of the ongoing cost containment and revenue enhancement review process. By all accounts. Thing is, some of the more peripheral prawn sandwich boys have needed this shake up for quite some time. Shabby.
  8. J

    Martin In

    Tis the season to be jolly - far too much negativity here. C'mon all you odd MartinInstas, here's your platform - give us your reasons FOR Martinball. We've heard chapter and verse about Martin Out, and quite rightly. But not a squeak about Martin In. No nothing, no cogent rationale for...
  9. J

    The Case for the Defence

    ....... is shot. To pieces. At the outset Martin said his prime focus in his Process was sorting out our defence. After which he would progress through to our midfield and then our final third. He fekked that up and is still fekking that up. Our defence is now the laughing stock. This, despite...
  10. J

    The proper Welsh Village way, fair play.....

    . Up the Afan Valley. In so many ways. Good on the local councillor who works her socks off, for the community. More people like her is what this country needs. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/xmas-cwmafan-cwmavon-tree-bus-25703938
  11. J

    John Hartson

    A proper legend. But for heck's sake, he's even worse than Dixon - no prep, no added value, no nothing most of the time on air. Cringe. Compare him with Carney.........oh dear. Now becoming an embarrassment. And on S4C.....oh dear - Wenglish at it's very worst.
  12. J

    Laura Woods, Karen Carney. Fair play....

    Excellent presenters, in so many ways. Shoves many of the entitled presenters now way way down the pile...... And Melissa Reddy waiting in the wings - with proper heritage, nous an deep insight.
  13. J


    Famous folk you resemble (according to others)...... I'll go first: - Daniel Craig - a taller, darker version
  14. J

    Excellent Matchday experience

    . Another excellent Matchday thread showing. Fair play, to all.
  15. J

    Scotch Football.....

    .... is beyond gash, as per. TNS would do 'em. And deserve the gig over and above Scotch teams.
  16. J


    . Warra gem he is. And his teams play to his character - quietly supremely confident, diligent, hard working, smart, innovative, committed. Class personified. And winning, effectively and efficiently with style. Everything Chelsea has been tonight, commandingly winning 2-0 at half time at the...

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